


Update and Clarification of 住房 and Roommate Selection Processes for 2024-25 


你们很多人都知道, 澳门受权博彩网站 is in the process of upgrading its data management systems to a newer and more robust platform. It’s inevitable with changes of this scale that some things won’t go quite as smoothly as one might hope. 事实证明, one such bump in the road has occurred with implementing the new housing and 室友选择 interface; a situation that has been frustrating for students, 父母, 以及大学.  为此,我道歉. I know that you are all as anxious as we are to get your housing situated for next year, so rather than delaying things any further while we work the bugs out of the system, 我们要切换到B计划,用老派的方式来做这件事.  下面是我们接下来要做的:



如果你已经完成了住房申请, 签订房屋协议, 还付了你的住房定金, you have completed all of the necessary steps to secure a space in housing for Fall 2024. 

如果你有 不 completed any of the following steps; completed the housing application, 签订房屋协议, 或者支付你的住宿费, 你必须马上做.  这些表格可在您的鹰链帐户中找到.  如果你需要帮助,请联系你的招生顾问.

New student room and roommate placements will be made in the Pinetree residence hall in the order in which they are received.  If those facilities fill before all students who want housing have been placed, 剩下的学生将被安置在多余的住房里.  Students who will be placed into overflow housing will be contacted by the Dean of Students with further instructions regarding room and roommate placement as appropriate to the overflow facility.


如果你已经完成了住房申请, 签订房屋协议, 还付了住宿费, you have completed all of the necessary steps to secure a space in housing for Fall 2024.  转到此消息的房间和室友选择部分.

如果你有 completed any of the following steps; completed the housing application, 签订房屋协议, 或者付了你的住房押金, 你必须马上做.  这些表格可在您的鹰链帐户中找到.

Returning students must complete ALL of these steps 4月15日前th in order to participate in the room and 室友选择 process.


返校学生的室友选择将于4月22日进行nd.  In order to be eligible to participate in 室友选择, students must:

  1. 完成上述住房过程的所有步骤
  2. 给学生主任发邮件 从您的TU电子邮件帐户 4月15日前th with a list of your preferred roommates, including the full name and class standing for each. Please note that all students listed must have completed the housing process noted above.  Incomplete submissions or submissions naming students who have not completed the housing process are not valid and will not be accepted.

Each student who has completed all of the above steps for both 住房 and Roommate Selection will be issued 通过他们的电子邮件帐户报名参加4月22日的活动nd 室友选择.  如果学生不能在指定的时间段出席, they may designate one of their intended roommates to attend in their place by emailing the Dean of Students 从他们的TU电子邮件帐户 不迟于4月20日thStudents who fail to attend during their assigned time slot and have not designated a roommate to attend in their place will forfeit their time slot and will be last to pick.  Failure to check your email is not an excuse for failing to attend 室友选择 at your appointed time.

房间选择将根据年级和班级等级优先, 即将升学的高年级学生(现在是三年级学生)首先选择, 其次是大三和大二的学生.  住房选择将从木兰宿舍开始.  If those facilities fill before all students who want housing have been placed, 剩下的学生将被安置在多余的住房里.  Students who will be placed into overflow housing will be contacted by the Dean of Students with further instructions regarding room and 室友选择 as appropriate to the overflow facility.

感谢你们在我们工作过渡期间的持续耐心.  如果你有 any questions or require further assistance, please contacting our 住房 office at housing@hpfashion.net.


Dr. 约翰说

澳门受权博彩网站 offers on-campus housing for full-time students at two locations.


松树宿舍楼位于126 S. 松树大街.  这个宿舍有33个单元. 每个单元容纳两名学生,共用一个浴室. 这个宿舍住着TU的学生 食堂一个免费的洗衣设施,一个游戏室和一个公共区域. 松树宿舍楼的费用为4070美元.每学期27英镑. 全餐计划(每周19顿饭)包含在此费用中.

Pinetree units include two twin XL beds, two dressers, a desk and chair for each student.  居民必须自备电视.

Pinetree has a 共同的地方, dining facility, washer/dryer (free for residents) and a game room.



Two residence halls are located on TU’s Magnolia 校园 at 1500 Magnolia St.  每个单元是四间卧室(每间卧室一名学生), 两间浴室, 一个厨房, 共同的地方, 每个院子里都有洗衣机和烘干机. Magnolia宿舍每学期收费3000美元. 此费用不包括餐费.  但是,学生可以单独购买完整的膳食计划.

Each room has one XL double bed, nightstand, desk, dresser, closet and flat screen TV.

木兰四边形提供一个全尺寸的厨房与范围, 冰箱, 微波, 厨房桌椅. 内置洗衣机和烘干机, 客厅有平面电视,客厅有家具(沙发), 椅子和茶几).



大学-sponsored alternative housing is available in Thomasville due to the large demand for 大学 housing. 

Each room is assigned two students and is furnished with a television, mini fridge and 微波.  大学 transportation is provided to this location as well as the Pinetree, Magnolia和Forbes校区.  该设施有供学生使用的游泳池和烧烤架.  大学 Resident Assistants are also located on site to provide support and assistance to TU students at this facility.  这个选项的费用是每学期3250美元.

Students assigned to Alternative 住房 should plan to purchase the 18 meal/week plan as kitchen services are not available.





All Freshman and Sophomores are required to live in 大学 住房 unless they meet one of the following exceptions:

  • Currently reside in Thomas, Leon, Grady , Brooks, Colquitt or Mitchell counties
  • 只上在线课程
  • 活跃的军事
  • 是21岁还是21岁以上
  • 有30个或以上学分的转校生
  • 结婚了
  • 特别考虑要求

如果你想申请校内住房豁免, 请填妥以上表格并交回 studentlife@hpfashion.net.


Accepted students are able to log in to the TU Student Portal (“鹰链”) and complete a 住房 Application and pay the reservation fee.

校内住房分配在一个 先到先得. 虽然申请人可以要求一个特定的宿舍, there is no guarantee that their request can be fulfilled because there are several factors that go into assigning/placing a student in a dorm. Students interested in housing should complete the housing application in “鹰链”, 包括300美元的订房费, 尽快. 名额仅限于前134份已完成的申请.

大学-sponsored alternative housing has been available for students.  We anticipate this will remain an option during the upcoming year since as we to have a large demand for 大学 housing.




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